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There is no signup fee, annual membership fee or any other such fee!
When you sign up as a new member at our shop,you will become a Diana Points member at the same time we register your information.
Save up Diana Points, use them and have fun getting deals when you shop with us!

Fields marked with Mandatoryare mandatory.

[Last Name] [First Name]
(Enter in en alphabetic. e.g. [Last Name] Post [First Name] John)
MandatoryDate of Birth
Month Day Year (Necessary in case you forgot password.)
MandatoryE-mail Address
Enter your e-mail address including '@' within 100 letters.
MandatoryE-mail Address(Confirm)
Re-enter your e-mail address to match.
MandatoryPhone Number
(Enter in en numeric)
MandatoryPostal Code
Enter in en numeric. For residents of Hong Kong and Macao, enter '0'.
 (Select Country. For residents of Hong Kong and Macao, select 'China'.
 (Select State)
 (Select City)
(Supply Address)
You can not use # & $ % *
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Please fill in the following fields if possible.

Where did you get this website?
Recommendation ID

Enter ID (E-mail address) of your friend who let you know our shop.
What products made in Japan do you need?
What information do you want?
Average Monthly Income

Enter E-mail Address and Password to confirm.
E-mail Address and Password are necessary to enjoy shopping at our shop hereafter.
Creat it unforfettable.

(Enter within 6 - 20 letters in en alphanumeric.)
Re-enter new password to match. ((Re-enter to match))

Terms and Conditions of Use

Before sign up, please read, comprehend and accept the following terms and conditions of use.
After you read, please input the check "Agree to Terms and Conditions of Use ".

 Agree to Terms and Conditions of Use